Starting a Business With Handmade Potholders

Kimiko G. Judith

Have you ever thought of turning your hobby into an income generator? Maybe, at one point then dismissed the thought thinking that it is impossible to make it big with a handmade business. Earning a living by sewing from scrap is barely realistic. You have to remember that everything big […]

Risks in International Business

Kimiko G. Judith

Just as there are reasons to get into global markets, and benefits from global markets, there are also risks involved in locating companies in certain countries. Each country may have its potentials; it also has its woes that are associated with doing business with major companies. Some of the rogue […]

Small Business Ideas With Low Investment

Kimiko G. Judith

1. Mobile Shop Business- Mobile Shop: Nowadays everybody is using Mobile Phones, and there are more opportunities to grow in the future. The way Mobile Market is growing, according to the price of opening a mobile Shop, it will be a very profitable business. You will not need too much […]

5 Reasons for Writing Business Correspondence

Kimiko G. Judith

What is an effective business organization? The answer to this is quite broad and diverse. But there is one aspect of business operations that is often neglected. This is business writing. Effective business communication is important in the daily operation of a company. Moreover, it can dictate whether the company […]

The Importance of IT Support in Business

Kimiko G. Judith

Virtually every company depends on its computer network. Its cash flow and inventory are just two of the figures that need to be closely monitored and this can only be done with assurance through a functioning computer system. In addition, the clients are serviced through computer generated software and any […]