Mobile Friendly Insurance Agency Website Checklist

Kimiko G. Judith

With over 50% of website visitors and email recipients viewing information on their mobile devices, and many doing so from their social media platforms, it’s always a good idea to review your insurance agency website to ensure your clients and prospects have a positive website user experience. Here are some […]

Best Business Ideas for Women In the Modern World

Kimiko G. Judith

It’s no longer a man’s world out there. We live in a world where men and women alike rule the world; where women can be who and what they want to be without prejudice. According to the published report by the Catalyst, a non-profit membership association increasing opportunities for women […]

Structured Trade Finance – What Does It Mean?

Kimiko G. Judith

Structured trade finance (STF), a type of debt finance, is used as an alternative to conventional lending. This form of finance is utilized regularly in developing countries, as well as, in relation to cross border transactions. The objective is to encourage trade by making use of non-standard security. STF is […]

What Type of Disability Insurance Is Right for Me?

Kimiko G. Judith

In the event of an accident, injury or illness that prevents you from working, disability insurance provides you with a percentage of your income. But not every disability insurance policy is the same. In fact, almost all of them will compensate different percentages of your income (generally between 50 and […]