Bar Chairs And Stools: Contemporary Designs And Ongoing Trends

Kimiko G. Judith

In older times there was a difference between bar chairs and bar stools. The stools were very simple in their construction and was projected to be seated in front of bar counter merely. The only thing considered in their making was their height. The height of bar stools was maintained as per the height of bar counter. There was no element of comfort and luxury however material was considered in order to create a class. Later on, innovations took birth with the interference of designers in the field of commercial furniture. The bar stools were provided with arms and back to make them comfortable but they were still far away from chairs in their shape.

During the last decade, innovative designing appeared in the bar stools and they started looking like chairs as well. These chairs like stools were named bar chairs and got popularity within a short period of time. These are not only comfortable but also stylish and classy in their appearance. These not only serve the function of stools but can be used for the sake of a comfortable seat. Restaurants having bars in their premises are widely using this genre of bar chairs.

Chairs for bars are now available in thousands of designing varying in their construction, material and color. There is a popular as well as common type which is made from a combination of fine quality plastic and steel. It is highly comfortable in sitting just because of the way it is designed although this type is not provided with fluffy material or cushions. This kind is mostly used in those restaurant bars where the atmosphere is little bit rushy and crowded.

Another popular type is made from number of materials simultaneously which include wood, leather, steel and classy fabrics. Seat and back of this type is made highly comfortable by applying leather covering in decent colors. Another popular type of these chairs is revolving chairs. These are supplied with pressurized equipment to adjust the height easily and a ball bearing to revolve in any direction.

Whatever the design you choose for your restaurant bar, it is always important that is should be in accordance to your interior theme.

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